A Free Mindspace
2 min readMay 10, 2021
A Free Mindspace

Sometimes when I ask my clients, ‘what are some of the needs you have been seeking?’ Most of them respond back saying, ‘how do I know what I need?’ This question provides a great insight into how many of us are aware of it and have been meeting these unmet needs in a clear and honest manner.

As children, our needs often fall into the physical, security and connection category. If our needs were unfulfilled as a child, chances are it may be very difficult for us to know what we need or that we are even deserving of those needs. A crucial stage that helps us to choose to become who we are today. As caregivers, ensuring the safety of our child and teaching them (directly/indirectly) how their needs MATTER — creates a foundation for them to connect from their mind and body.

As we get older, our needs get more complex and layered. Every time we settle for less or neglect our needs, we disregard ourselves. We begin to break the trust we have in ourselves. Over time, a narrative is created that we are not worthy enough and that our needs do not matter. Manifesting unhealthy relationships dynamics or mental health issues, including, low self-esteem or substance abuse.

Let’s take the time to acknowledge that we are worthy. Upon the growing awareness of our needs, we add an extra layer by including contexts. We learn to develop a framework where we apply them to real life situations.

With what unmet needs you want to start?

A Free Mindspace

Turn inward & redefine your mental health beyond measure.🦋